Free resources & tools to help grow your biz
From starting a business, to growing it through social media, to legally protecting it. We’ll cover it all!
The Burger King Trademark Story
The best way to avoid this situation is to learn about trademark law and apply for your trademark TODAY, if you don’t already have one. A state trademark protects you in your state, but beware the Burger King story!
Legal Tips for Influencers and Content Creators
Content creators and influencers often face legal issues that can be difficult to navigate. To help streamline the process and ensure that all of your activities are compliant with the law, here are a few legal tips for influencers and content creators.
Why Disclaimers Are a Must for Business Owners
A disclaimer is a statement or statements that limit your business’s liability in the event of a dispute. And while there is some inherent risk in being a business owner, you should not be taking on any more risk than you have to—especially legal risk!
How to Name Your Business, Product, or Service
Whether you’re working on naming your brand or something you plan to offer—a podcast, a course, a product line, etc.—don’t skimp on this process. A name is a key part of your brand strategy, and it’s worth your time and effort to do it right.